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Monday, April 06, 2009

Church Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt

This past Saturday our church had a picnic and an Easter egg hunt. It was beautiful weather and the kids had a great time. Peyton actually understands what it means to go on an egg hunt this year. He was very excited. He will get to go on two Easter egg hunts this year. We will have another one at my parents house on Easter Sunday.

Cousin Addy and Peyton waiting patiently to start the egg hunt

Peyton hunting for Easter Eggs

Peyton showing Mommy his eggs

This was Brady and his friend Liz during the egg hunt

Peyton, Addy, and Blake

Peyton and Addy talking about all the candy that they got!!!


Grandma/GG said...

What Fun!!! Looks like Peyton really got with the program. By the time Easter is over, Peyton will have enough candy to last him a year. Ha!! He and Addy both look so cute. And next year Brady will be right with them. Looks like he can't be bothered this year. He sure is relaxed and looks so cute.
